
From: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
To: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
While Create Message in Biztalk set TargetCharset to "ISO-8859-1"
Message(XMLNorm.TargetCharset) = "ISO-8859-1"

It seems that ISO-8859-1 encoding is not supported in the WCF-BasicHttp adapter in BizTalk. So you could try using the WCF-Custom adapter as the Transport Type, and in the Binding tab in the Transport Properties window, select customBinding as the Binding Type, then, under the Binding panel, click on the textMessageEncoding extension to bring...

One of the greatest things for customers that are running BizTalk Server Standard Edition is that BizTalk Server 2020 already comes built-in with all BizTalk Server 2016 Feature Pack Features, that means that all these features are now part of the product in all versions:

This solution describe how dynamically we can change the WCF-HttpHeaders for WCF-WebHTTP adapter. In our project, there is a need to dynamically change the HttpHeaders content-type to "text/html" and "application/gzip". The response messages are send on the same port, so we need to construct the message with the proper content-type.

The SQL Server Agent job named "Backup BizTalk Server" does not provide functionality for deleting backup files that have accrued over time. This can cause the disk that houses the backup files to fill up which can eventually cause the Backup BizTalk Server job to fail or other problems associated with limited disk space to occur.

USE [EsbExceptionDb]
GO IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[x_Delete_ESB_Faults]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC')) DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[x_Delete_ESB_Faults]
GO USE [EsbExceptionDb]
@DaysToKeep INT = 7
AS BEGIN /*...

Lock DB


Query very usefull for understand process lock on DB… :-)

Host Separation was concerned about the practice of separating your hosts into their logical role within
the application (send, receive etc) as well as by application. "What next?" I hear you ask... Here's the opportunity to improve your application's performance
by the following tweaks that you can apply onto your hosts:
- 1. Optimise Host...